Each CV has space for members to recount their work and organizational experience. All CVs list experience as a member of the Konstituante, but some members left the form otherwise blank. Most, though, provide some data, which can show the background of these elected representatives.
The most common feature is party experience. Also very frequent is listing participation in the Indonesian revolution. Some trends are common for specific parties; for example, a large number of NU members were teachers, and so they list their experience teaching at different schools.
This word cloud of the most frequent terms from the work and organizational background lines of the CV can give some idea of the key terms that come up.
Born: Kab. Tegal, 5 February 1914
Address: Dj. Pandjang No. 71 Pekalongan Kota Pekalongan Jawa Tengah
No. Member: #208
Party: PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia)
Born: Kab. Lumajang, 27 November 1907
Address: Desa Djogoterunan kab. lumajang jawa timur Kab. Lumajang Jawa Timur
No. Member: #163
Party: NU (Nahdlatul Ulama)