Data from the CVs provides two different set of information about the members’ regions of origin, namely their place of birth and current address. The former is the more useful data point to discuss regional distribution.
Data shows that most members of Konstituante were born in provinces on Java, with a percentage of 65%. From this figure it appears that Konstituante represents Java more than other regions. For major parties, the percentage is even larger, reaching 68%.
From the big four of PNI, Masjumi, NU, and PKI, PNI had the most representatives originating from this one island with 79%, followed by PKI and NU with 78% and 75% respectively. Meanwhile, Masjumi had significantly fewer represenatives from Java, with a percentage of 58%. It appears that Masjumi was more balanced in its representation and was more ‘national’ than other parties.
Two provinces in Java (Central and East) provided the core of support for PNI and PKI, while NU was concentrated in East Java. Masjumi, on the other hand relied on members born in West Java (including Banten) instead than Central and East with a significant number of representatives born on Sumatra and Sulawesi.
Born: Kab. Pandeglang, 26 June 1919
Address: Djl. Besuki 3 Djakarta Kota Jakarta Pusat DKI Jakarta
No. Member: #409
Party: IPKI (Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia)
Born: Kab. Rembang, 17 July
Address: Seditan Lasem Kab. Rembang Jawa Tengah
No. Member: #234
Party: NU (Nahdlatul Ulama)